Christian Counseling Alliance
Christian Counseling Alliance
Hope, Healing and Direction
Church Partnerships
Church Partnerships
The identity and mission of Christian Counseling Alliance is closely tied to that of churches. The primary purpose of the Center is to provide Christian counseling services and Christian educational resources in partnership with the ongoing healing ministries of local churches.
Partner churches support the Counseling Center through their prayers and finances. The Center offers services to these churches at competitive rates.
What does the Christian Counseling Alliance offer to its partner churches?
- To provide regular materials (newsletters, brochures, posters, bulletin inserts, etc.) for use by the church to highlight the presence of Christian Counseling Alliance.
- To offer at no charge one seminar/workshop a year – assuming topic, timing, staff availability, etc. can be worked out.
- To give a brief annual presentation to the congregation during worship to increase awareness of the Christian Counseling Alliance and to present a certificate of appreciation for partnership in the ministry.
- To make every effort to provide quick appointments for direct referrals (typically in five business days or less).
- To have informal telephone consultations with pastors, if desired, for parish counseling concerns.
- To arrange a meeting with all participating pastors and the Center’s director annually.
- To offer a unique counseling facility, an extension of the ministry of the church, to enhance pastoral care.
- To list the church as a Partner Church in the promotional materials, websites of Christian Counseling Alliance.
- To offer premarital assessments for three couples at no charge each year.
What does the Center ask of its partner churches?
- To actively promote the Center’s services to congregants by using the bulletin inserts, posters, brochures and other materials provided by Christian Counseling Alliance.
- To host one workshop per year led by a Center staff member, given that arrangements of topic, timing, staff availability, etc. can be worked out.
- To provide the opportunity at a Sunday worship service for a brief annual presentation.
- To refer parishioners to the Center, when appropriate.
- To endorse the Center as an extension of the church’s counseling ministry.
- To make a qualifying annual contribution (choosing one of the three levels).
- To support and pray for the work of the Christian Counseling Alliance.
Levels of Available Partnerships
Level One
The congregation receives 10 hours of counseling.
In addition, it receives the non-billable services (workshop and three Premarital Assessments).
The annual cost is $600.00.
Level Two
The congregation receives 15 hours of counseling.
In addition, it receives the non-billable services (workshop and three Premarital Assessments).
The annual cost is $750.00.
Level Three
The congregation receives 20 hours of counseling.
In addition, it receives the non-billable services (Workshop and three Premarital Assessments).
The annual cost is $900.00.
- Billing Option: Churches who do not have the funds to support our ministry or who wish to engage in a trial period, and who desire to help their members financially with receiving professional Christian counseling, may request to be billed a portion of the counseling fees (i.e.: Rate $45.00. Client pays $15.00. Church billed $30.00).
- Pastoral Resource: Pastors may contact Christian Counseling Alliance for any counseling consultation at no cost.
- Sunday School / Special Speaking Engagements: If your church is interested in a specific topic (i.e.: marriage, communication, parenting, self-esteem, conflict management, etc.) to be taught in Sunday School or at a Special Speaking / Teaching Engagement, we are able to help. (See Speakers Bureau)